Herramientas esenciales para proyectos en línea

Creando tu propio camino website arte sueño universo

«Empieza donde estás. Usa lo que tienes. Haz lo que puedas.»

Conocimientos de dominio público sobre creación de contenidos

The known advice is to create curated content, comprehensive, useful.. That’s good advice for sure, but what if I told you that  right now there is someone making money on a youtube of channel of cartoon toilets fighting a war with humanoides tv’s? You can’t make this shit up.

La audacia

Why You Should Never Doubt Your Ideas: Finding inspiration from unlikely success stories

I reckon is completely outrageous for any of us to doubt ourselves. I’ll tell you why. How am I not to believe in any idea after seeing a weirdly designed toilet making money online? My little brother was completely hooked for a while, they are still making bank, and I know for sure there is nothing useful about that, beyond the fact of entertaining the right users for them (in this case little kids that find toilets funny). 

The epiphany

«It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.»

Whatever we want to create, should be build it in a way that feels natural to us, and have fun watching it come to live. Put it out there for the world to see, in any way we see fit. If I’m honest, by now I’m sure success is not about our ideas, sometimes not even the execution, it’s about letting the right people find us.

The mission

To bring our ideas to life

Provide the essential tools to bring any project to life in a clear and concise manner. After my encounter with skibidi toilet on youtube, I realized that if a cartoon toilet can make passive income online, so can we, with the proper tools. Many websites can be both helpful and overwhelming, so I aim to keep things short and simple. Let’s get right on it.

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